Wild Roses & Blooms Mission​

Wild Roses & Blooms is environmentally conscious and wishes to create awareness. With every action there is a reaction or a consequence. Some consequences are good while others are extremely damaging to our environment. It can be overwhelming to be perfectly in sync with protecting the environment. All we can do is make a pledge to do our absolute best to reach this objective. Will there be times that we must purchase floral material that do not fit this objective? Of course, but we are conscious of our decisions. We have to start somewhere. This is where we start. Wild Roses & Blooms pledges that when possible, and to the best of our ability, we will provide beautiful designs that have been composed of floral material produced organically and/or locally grown. The “garden to vase” phenomenon has begun, and we are part of this movement.

Organic Flowers


The concept of organic groceries was almost unheard of 30 years ago and has become mainstream in the past 15 years because the consumer became enlightened and demanded produce that was grown without synthetic and /or dangerous chemicals not to mention genetically modified crops.  During the growing season, there is a good variety of floral material available locally and organically or at least grown according to organic methods. To become certified organic, it is a long expensive process. Not all growers are able to achieve this certification, but many are committed to growing using organic methods.

This year, Wild Roses & Blooms is experimenting with growing unusual floral material according to organic methods.  Our flowers may not be as big as the commercial growers, but our motivation is to create beauty while protecting the environment.  This means that we only use organic fertilizers. Dealing with pests and funguses like black spot are always a challenge. Destructive insects such as the Japanese Beetle may only be dealt with the old-fashioned way – knocking them into a bucket of warm soapy water at dusk when they are sluggish, to be rid of them. Black spot on rose leaves may only be treated with Neem Oil. Fortunately, there is an amazing network of organic gardening experts in my locale who are extremely generous with their knowledge. Wild Roses & Blooms pledges to do its best to create awareness and embark on this adventure.

Wild Roses & Blooms is very passionate about protecting beneficial insects and pollinators. The Pollinator Pathway is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing awareness to protecting and encouraging beneficial insects and pollinators by not only growing organically, but also providing diverse and native floral material for them.  We are committed to working towards this high standard.


Sustainable Methods For Floral Design Arrangments

Many florists use a material called floral foam to hold their designs in place and provide a water source for the flowers. This floral foam is puffed plastic and usually green in color. We are not chemists at Wild Roses & Blooms, but common-sense dictates that puffed plastic is not healthy for people, animals or landfills. Furthermore, in our experience, the florals do not stay fresh when inserted in this substance. There may be rare instances when this material must be used for an installation and there is absolutely no other solution; however, we will do our best to find an alternative. Wild Roses & Blooms has other sustainable methods to hold floral designs in place.


Creating Beauty And Protecting The Environment

Making these environmentally protective commitments is daunting and makes one wonder if it is possible to institute change? After all, flower farming is a huge industry. A few flower growing pioneers simply started to create awareness.by making environmentally conscious decisions as did the consumers who demanded organic produce years ago. Change occurs when we start to ask questions and voice concern about harmful chemicals which damage beneficial pollinators and upsets the good fungus and bacteria in the soil. Wild Roses & Blooms is part of this collective change and the garden to vase movement. All we can do is pledge to do our best, be aware of the impact of our decisions, and when possible make choices which help to sustain a healthy planet.